Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Last Days in San Carlos-Spring 2018

Because our 6 month visa was up mid-April and we have a $400 All Mexico Pass to turn in and get our money back, AND discovering that we needed more time for our summer Alaska trip, we  left early-April 12th-this year.  Bummer, as the weather and the water were just perfect.

A smattering of March/April memories:

Art Exhibition at Belles Artes

Judy and Laura
Laura was exhibiting

The Yaquis came to perform and collect
funds for their people.

Another artist's ceramics

Loved this one

The Fun Run Kids Cooling Off On Our Beach

These kids come to San Carlos to run down the main street
and get painted with various colors as they run.

Joyce's Birthday


Wine Tasting at Bonifacio's

Wines from the Baja

Plein Air at Piedras Pintas

Where Zorro was filmed

Soggy Peso Memories

Susan is a favorite of Lupita's

A bunch of us listening to Omar

Jimbo relaxing with 2 pair of glasses

Julie walking on Algodones (Cotton) Beach

David and Susan @ Soggy Peso

Kayaking Shangra La and Posada Bay

Where the blue footed boobies and the great blue
herons nest

Our place from the water

The bat cave below
They keep the mosquitos down

Hattie Annie Sunset Cruise 

Cormorants and Pelicans resting

The Lion

Julie at Our Home

We loved having Julie visit for the first time!

Castaway Kids Beach Party

Cheryl and Judy, "our" belly dancers"

A Great Night with Friends at the Searsons 

Dee, Win, Susan, Cinda, David, Jim and Karen

Jim's Birthday Dream Day

Alone, at last

Some of Diane's herd

Susan at Happy Hour at Shots

Semana Santa Neighborhood Party

Trying out having the bar outside

Our terrazzo is full!


Susan and Rachelle


Full Blue Moon

Easter at Pilar/Estuary

Funny way to spend Easter but great fun to see all the Mexican families!

Last and Only Beach Bonfire

First and Last Sail With Kathi and Ron
Our Captain

I don't think he wants to jump but he does like looking.

How cute is this!

Martini Cove-Last day of Semana Santa
There must have been 20 people on this boat!

Last Day Feeding Frenzy

We absolutely love watching the birds (this time it was pelicans and cormorants) dine on traveling groups of fish-usually sardines or mackerel.  It was a special treat to see this our last day, from our
balcony, right before we left.

It was on to Green Valley, to Albuquerque, to Golden and Longmont to see the kids.
Until October.......