Thursday, August 31, 2017

Homeward Bound-Summer, 2017

Our friends, Gail and Harley, were camping in Idaho with Rick and Rose for the Eclipse, so we made a plan to caravan back to Colorado together, camping along the way.  Gail had never been to the Dubois area, so we decided on the Pinnacles Campground, a little south of there in the Shoshone National Forest.  It did not disappoint.

This completely cracked us up-The Outhouse-looked a
little daunting to me, but....

Look at the inside!  Carpeting, toilet cover, library, art work
on the walls-incredible!

We spent two nights here.  Our campsite overlooked Brooks Lake and the Absaroka Range.  We hiked to the opposite side of the lake, where wetlands abound and some hardy fishermen were hanging out.  We were advised not to walk the trails north of the campground as grizzlies had been spotted their recently.  Tents and pop ups are not allowed in this campground because of the grizzlies.

We stopped in Dubois (DUE BOYCE) to get propane and gas.  And we came across this place and couldn't resist the smell of BBQ wafting our way.  This was a slice of quintessential Wyoming.

The owner-he had a pistol on one side
of his belt and a knife on the other!

We weren't sure where we were headed on the way home.  We debated stopping in the Red Desert (but that requires more than a night), Encampment (too far), Snowy Range (too cold) and finally opted for Cottonwood Campground off 287.  When we pulled off, we discovered that it was 11 miles to the campground on a very wash-boarded, dusty and bumpy road, only one of us wanted to go on (not me!)  So, we began looking for a place off road as it is BLM land.  It was beginning to look and feel familiar and when we finally found the perfect spot, we realized that this is where we ended up last year-In a cow field about 2 or 3 miles in.  We actually loved it here-big skies, lots of sweet smelling sage, beautiful sunset and a great last night of camaraderie with friends.

Practicing with their flutes 

Check out the bag Jim made for his flute!

 And back home again to a lovely afternoon birthday pontoon  party for us Leos: Evie, Steve and I!

So great to be back home again with friends.

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